The prestigious biennial event, Aero India is Asia’s largest military aviation exhibition and air show. It has been traditionally held in Bengaluru, Karnataka (India), since the time of its inception in 1996. The event through its tagline, emphasises the formidable status of India as an emerging hub for the global aerospace and the valuable investment opportunities under ‘Make in India’. It is also noteworthy that the Civil Aviation industry in India has transpired as one of the fastest growing industries in the country.
The 12th edition of this niche exhibition and air show event was inaugurated on 20th February 2019 at Yelahanka air force station in Bengaluru. Through the next 5 days, the latest aircraft of different countries were exhibited at the venue and during the air shows. Witnessing the spectacular air show at the venue is an experience to cherish. A thrilling treat to our senses as the metallic birds soar high into the blue skies unveiling the fantastic acrobatic capabilities of our Indian Air Force pilots and the fleet of mighty aircraft, helicopters and fighter jets. The mind-boggling speed of the mean machines and the scintillating formations against the backdrop of the blue skies is the major draw at the event. India’s Sarang (ALH-Dhruv) and UK-based Yakovlevs, and our pride, the indigenous Light Combat Aircraft Tejas, other aircraft and helicopters put up a magnificent show to the huge crowd assembled every day.
If seeing is believing, this is one such event that is truly best experienced in person. The adrenalin rush one gets when these machines fly past reverberates strong emotions within you. One can feel the sense of pride in the cheers and applause of people when pilots perform the daredevil acrobatics. You can feel the neverending love for the motherland and makes you proud to be an Indian.